Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Arrival!!

After a sending ceremony we embarked on our adventure. At least thats when it started to feel like leaving for Guatemala was real. We piled into the vans and headed to Kat´s house ' right near the airport. We were all too excited to sleep and stayed up past midnight chatting and giggling. That would have been all wee and good if our flight wasnt leaving at 6 am. After a hurried breakfast we discovered that one of our group members didnt have their passport! Luckily our group has wonderful parents and after a hurried transaction at the airport everyone was set to go.
Our flight on American airlines to Miami was rather uneventful. We had a three hour lay over in which I learned to play the popular Mennonite game dutch blitz.
I was so excited when our second flight touched down in Guatemala city. The first glimpse of the mountains was very beautiful. The drive to SEMILLA was eye opening. The things I couldnt get over was policemen and security officers carrying around guns.
We were all happy to get to SEMILLA. It is just beautiful here!

After a long and very needed nights sleep we are just about ready to leave for EL Salvador.

We´ll have more posts soon!

Cass Bangay


allan said...

Thanks Cass for the initial update. I am so glad that you all made it safe and sound...even with the passport mishap early on Tuesday. CASAS is a wonderful place to stay and your time there will provide a great chance to become oriented to the cultures, languages and history of Guatemala. But first..of to El Salvador! Have a wonderful time there. I look forward to the updates so keep 'em coming!

Unknown said...


I am so glad you and the rest of the group made safe to Guatemala. Please say hi to every one, stay safe and enjoy it very much.


Kathleen said...

Thanks so much for the update, Cass; keep them coming! Joel will be surprised that I have figured out how to leave a comment on a blog,at least I hope I have! I hope you are all happy and healthy and enjoying El Salvador. We would love to hear more. Now that I can do this, maybe we could share photos on face book? LOL Kathleen/Joel's Mom

Unknown said...


I spoke with Tanya on Sunday and told me that every one is doing well. They are having a good time in El Salvador. They are learning about the culture, social issues, etc, and had a party on Saturday.

Have a great time!!!!!!!!!!!!

fred redekop said...

Sounds GREAT! Thanks Domaya. I'm assuming there was a party for Caleb's birthday. Hope it was a fun one Cabes!
And, if Caleb didn't hear yet, his brother was engaged on his birthday!! WOOOO HOOOO!!
Be blessed and be a blessing!
from his (embarrassing) mom